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Hummingbot v1.28.0 Release Notes

Released on May 31, 2024


We are thrilled to announce the release of Hummingbot version 1.28.0! This is a relatively light release since we are preparing for the big Hummingbot 2.0 release next month, which will add the Dashboard and Backend-API repos that enable strategy backtesting, credentials management, 1-click deployment, and more!

In this release, we have:

  • Re-organized and simplified example starter scripts
  • Added Candles Feed for OKX spot
  • Fixed bugs in Kucoin, Hyperliquid, Polkadex, and Cube connectors
Repository Description GitHub Release DockerHub Release
Hummingbot Core Trading Engine v1.28.0 version-1.28.0
Gateway DEX Connector Middleware v1.28.0 version-1.28.0

How to Update


Make sure to exit all running containers using docker compose down

docker compose down

Run the following command to pull the latest Docker image:

docker pull hummingbot/hummingbot:latest

Restart containers

docker compose up -d


Update your Hummingbot branch to this release by running:

git pull origin master

Hummingbot 2.0 Preview

The next release, Hummingbot 2.0, will be a massive overhaul of the Hummingbot framework. No longer just a command line tool, you can now use the Hummingbot Dashboard application to create, backtest, and deploy strategies. Backtesting is available for Directional and Market Making [Controllers].

For users that want to test it out, we recommend use the repo. By running bash script, you will launches Dashboard, Backend API, as well as the Brokers repo as Docker containers. Since this is still currently in beta, we welcome any feedback you may have and please let us know on Discord if you encounter any issues.

Consensus2024 Launch Event

During the Consensus2024 conference, we held a launch event to give the commununity an early look at Hummingbot 2.0. We demonstrated how you can use Hummingbot Dashboard to construct, backtestm and deploy powerful market making strategies. The event recording will soon be posted to the Hummingbot YouTube channel.

For more community events, check out the Hummingbot Events Calendar.

Other Updates

  • #6949 - Updated the Simple VWAP script example
  • #6976 - Fixed "position_executer has no attritube 'position_config'" error Thanks to cCurious for this fix! 🙏
  • #6983 - Fixed rate limits issue for Cube Thanks to mlguys for this fix! 🙏
  • #6994 - Added the ETopicPublisher and EMTopicPublisher classes Thanks to klpanagi for this fix! 🙏
  • #6995 - Feat/liquidations feed Thanks to p-meier for this fix! 🙏
  • #6999 - Fixed issue where Kucoin exchange ID was showing 'none' Thanks to tomasgaudino for this fix! 🙏
  • #7002 - Fixed issue with OKX Perpetual orders with wrong amount Thanks to tomasgaudino for this fix! 🙏
  • #7004 - Refactored Backtesting
  • #7011 - Simplified the starter scripts
  • #7013 - Fixed issue with Hyperliquid reversing order on close Thanks to yancong001 for this fix! 🙏
  • #7016 - Refactored Polkadex API to latest version Thanks to dizpers for this fix! 🙏
  • #7022 - Added OKX spot candles feed Thanks to tomasgaudino for this contribution! 🙏
  • #7027 - Fixed issue with Hyperliquid error setting leverage Thanks to yancong001 for this fix! 🙏
  • #7029 - Added minor improvements to backtesting and candles feed
  • #7030 - Added support for 'Limit Maker' order type
  • #7033 - Added minor improvements to the Cube connector Thanks to mlguys for this fix! 🙏
  • #7049 - Added hotfix to remove "expired" markets from the Cube connector to prevent users from trading on them Thanks to mlguys for this fix! 🙏