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Hummingbot v1.26.0 Release Notes

Released on March 26, 2024


We're delighted to unveil Hummingbot version 1.26.0! This release features a huge refactor to the Strategies V2 framework. We've significantly streamlined and simplified the architecture, updated the documentation and strategy examples, and added a new TWAPExecutor component that helps users execute trades while minimizing market impact.

Also New in This Release

  • OKX perpetual CEX connector
  • Kraken spot CEX connector (updated)
  • Bitrue spot CEX connector
  • Osmosis AMM DEX connector
  • Connector guides to Vega, Dexalot, and Osmosis
Repository Description GitHub Release DockerHub Release
Hummingbot Core Trading Engine v1.26.0 version-1.26.0
Gateway DEX Connector Middleware v1.26.0 version-1.26.0

How to Update


Clone the latest hummingbot/deploy-examples repository and use the script under the /bash_scripts folder.

Alternatively, run the following command to pull the latest Docker image:

docker pull hummingbot/hummingbot:latest


Update your Hummingbot branch to this release by running:

git pull origin master

Monthly Community Call

Join the next community call on Discord to learn about the new features in this release and other Hummingbot news:

For more community events, check out the Hummingbot Events Calendar.

Improvements to Strategy V2 Framework

We refactored the new Strategy V2 framework to make it simpler and more scalable.

Now, the new Market Data Provider provides a single, unified point of access to a market's data, including historical candles, trades, and real-time order book data. Multiple controllers running individual sub-strategies can share this data and use it to control sophisticated, automated Executors.

Check out the new Strategy V2 docs for detailed walkthroughs, sample strategies, and more!

Pull Request: #6844

New TWAPExecutor Component


This component is still in beta and there may be some issues when using it. For more information on the reported issues or if you want to report a bug please submit them to our Github - Issues page

TWAPExecutor is a new Strategy V2 component that can be used by itself or combined with other components. It programmatically executes orders at regular time intervals, helping you achieve a time-weighted average price for rebalancing and other purposes.

Pull Request: #6915

New CEX Connectors: OKX Perpetual, Kraken, Bitrue

We're excited to introduce three connectors to the codebase. All were built by community developers with funding provided by approved Hummingbot Improvement Proposals:

  • OKX Perpetual: New connector to OKX perpetual futures markets. See pull request #6848 and thanks to tomasgaudino for this contribution! 🙏

  • Kraken: Updated connector to Kraken spot markets. See pull request #6840 and thanks to yancong001 for this contribution! 🙏

  • Bitrue: New connector to Bitrue spot markets. See pull request #6843 and thanks to CoinAlpha for this contribution! 🙏

New DEX/Chain Connector: Osmosis

Osmosis is a decentralized exchange (DEX) built on the Cosmos blockchain, emphasizing interoperability and user sovereignty. It stands out for its advanced features, such as superfluid staking and liquidity pools with customizable parameters, allowing users to tailor their trading and staking strategies. Osmosis facilitates cross-chain transactions through the Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol, enabling seamless swaps across a growing ecosystem of interconnected blockchains.

For more information, see the Osmosis and Chain Connectors - Osmosis for the respective DEX and chain documentation pages.

Pull Request: #277

Snapshot Proposal:

Thanks to nkhrs and chasevoorhees for their significant contribution to this integration! 🙏

New Connector Guides

In the last release, we introduced Connector Guides, step-by-step instructions that show users how to generate credentials on various centralized and decentralized exchanges and how to use them with Hummingbot.

This release introduces three new guides:

We encourage community members to contribute more connector guides to!

Other Updates


  • #6685 - Added Osmosis to native tokens list Thanks to chasevoorhees for this fix! 🙏
  • #6884 - Upgraded injective-py version Thanks to aarmoa for this fix! 🙏
  • #6903 - Included MATIC in the list of unwrapped symbols for price queries Thanks to OjusWiZard for this fix! 🙏
  • #6908 - Fixed balance update for Injective Thanks to aarmoa for this fix! 🙏
  • #6911 - Removed connector tiers


  • #286 - Refactored XRPL connector and added more improvements Thanks to mlguys for this fix! 🙏