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Release Notes - Version 1.18.0

Released on July 24, 2023

We are very excited to ship the July 2023 release of Hummingbot (v1.18.0) today! This release features a significant upgrade to Python 3.10, providing enhanced performance and reliability for users. In Gateway, the Uniswap connector now supports fetching prices directly from pools, which lowers latency and resolves past issues. In addition, we added Candles Feeds and Market Orders support to the Ascendex connector, as well as a new DEX connector to Vertex!

Official Repo Description Release in Github Release in DockerHub
Hummingbot Core trading engine v1.18.0 version-1.18.0
Gateway DEX connector middleware v1.18.0 version-1.18.0

Install or update Hummingbot by cloning the latest hummingbot/deploy-examples repo and running the following command for your desired configuration:

docker compose up --force-recreate --build -d

Ongoing Gateway issue

When running Gateway, if you encounter the following error message, Price query failed: Token not supported, a simultaneous restart of both the Gateway and client should fix the issue. For updates on this issue, see #164.

Monthly Community Call

Each month, we livestream a community call on our Discord server that highlights the new features included in each release:

Check out the Hummingbot Events Calendar for links to these and other upcoming events!

Python 3.10 Upgrade

#6389 upgrades Hummingbot's Python version to 3.10 and updates its most important dependencies. This upgrade improves the client's performance, reliability, and security. It also allows users who install from source to utilize the latest version of Anaconda and Miniconda and enables support for the Apple M2 chipset.

Refactored Chain Endpoints

#147 and #6445 refactored the Gateway route structure to standardize endpoints to use /chain rather than blockchain-specific endpoints. This enables Gateway to scale the number of chains it can support without introducing bloat.

All chains should now utilize the following routes:


Thanks to vic-en for this fix! 🙏

Uniswap Direct Pool Interaction

The initial design of the Uniswap connector utilizes its smart order router to price and route swaps, but users have reported latency issues with the router. #136 and #153 added the ability to use the QuoterV2 rather than the router.

This introduces two additional parameters defined in the uniswap.yml config file:

  • useRouter (bool, default=true): if True, estimation and execution functions use the Router; if false, use quote and trade functions of SDK.
  • feeTier (string, default='MEDIUM'): Matches one of the Uniswap fee tier strings. If useRouter is False, then the user has to specify feeTier to find the right pool.

Thanks to VPashkov for this fix! 🙏

AscendEx Candles Feed and Market Orders Support

This release adds additional features for Ascendex, which the community used HBOT governance to prioritze as a Silver-tier connector for Epoch 4.

Candles Feed helps you generate custom OHLCV candles using both historical and live Websocket data, and create real-time custom technical indicators using pandas_ta. We have added support for ascendex:

candles = [CandlesFactory.get_candle(connector="ascendex",
           trading_pair="ETH-USDT", interval="1m", max_records=100)]

Following our Technical Roadmap, we are expanding our connectors to support to include all order types offered by an exchange. In this release, we integrated the market_order type for Ascendex.

Pull Requests: #6418, #6471

Thanks to yancong001 for this contribution! 🙏

New DEX Connector: Vertex

Vertex is a fully decentralized peer-to-peer orderbook-based cryptocurrency exchange for the DeFi ecosystem built on Substrate.

See Vertex for the exchange connector docs.

Pull Requests: #6379

Snapshot Proposal:

Thanks to R-K-H for this contribution! 🙏

Hummingbot Dashboard Updates

Hummingbot Dashboard is a community-driven project to build a control center for Hummingbot instances.

We hold bi-weekly calls in the Hummingbot Discord to discuss Dashboard:

While Dashboard is a new, highly experimental project, we encourage users to try it out and provide feedback on the ##dashboard channel in Discord. For more information, see the Task Backlog as well as the Wiki where you can see the current tasks being worked on as well as the contributors assigned.

New Script Examples

This release adds a couple directional strategies including a script example to test the newly added DEX data feed.

Removed Connectors and Strategies

The following connectors and strategies did not receive enough votes in the Epoch 5 polls to meet the Minimum Voting Power threshold, so they have been removed from the Hummingbot codebase. Check the poll results here:

  • Probit connector: #6463
  • Foxbit connector: #6464
  • Whitebit connector: #6462
  • connector: #6465
  • Lbank connector: #6461
  • DeFi Kingdoms connector: #6478, #162
  • Zigzag connector: #6478, #162
  • Aroon Oscillator strategy

Other Updates


  • #6367 Added .dockerignore files Thanks to shibanovp for this fix! 🙏
  • #6383 Added a logger mixin for tests Thanks to MementoRC for this fix! 🙏
  • #6382 Fixed the issue with IsolatedAsyncio TestCase in HB closing the main event loop Thanks to MementoRC for this fix! 🙏
  • #6412 Fixed issue with wrong calculation of max records for downloading candles
  • #6419 Fixed multiple trading pair in gate_io_perpetual websocket userstream issue Thanks to yancong001 for this fix! 🙏
  • #6426 Added trade fee in quote
  • #6440 Fixed issue where the order_book_tracker wasn't passing the trade_id to the order_book
  • #6449 Added a delay function between signals
  • #6467 Improved the log messages shown when quantizing orders
  • #6472 Added a fixed rate conversion for amm-arb
  • #6473 Fixed issue with MEXC exchange, when the token price is super small Thanks to hlxwell for this fix! 🙏
  • #6417 Deleted old issue templates and created new ones
  • #6420 Fixed issue with #5659 where dydx orders seem to expire after only 10 mins
  • #6450 Updated contribution guidelines for the Hummingbot repo


  • #141 Updated Gateway internal dependencies
  • #160 Fixed issue with lists not showing in conf/lists on startup