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Hummingbot Certified Developers are individuals who have successfully completed a Hummingbot Botcamp cohort and demonstrated their ability to design, code, and present a custom trading strategy.

See Certifications List for the current list of certified developers.

Certification Types

Hummingbot Strategy V2 Developer

The Hummingbot Strategy V2 Developer certification enables developers to demonstrate proficiency in creating and deploying professional-grade algorithmic trading strategies using the Hummingbot StrategyV2 framework. Certified individuals possess the following skills:

  • Design and Code Custom Strategies: Possess in-depth knowledge of the Hummingbot V2 framework, enabling them to design and implement custom trading algorithms tailored to specific market conditions and objectives.
  • Familiarity with Hummingbot Codebase: Have a thorough understanding of the Hummingbot codebase, allowing them to make modifications, optimize performance, and integrate new features.
  • Deployment Expertise: Are skilled in deploying and maintaining these strategies in a live trading environment, ensuring they run efficiently and effectively.

Hummingbot Market Maker

Starting with Cohort 8 in August 2024, we will begin to offer the Hummingbot Market Maker certification.

This certification is designed to equip participants with the expertise necessary to execute market making strategies across centralized (CEX) and decentralized exchanges (DEX). Certified individuals possess the following skills:

  • Market Making Theory: Have a solid grasp of market making principles and strategies, including order book dynamics, spread management, and risk mitigation techniques.
  • CEX and DEX Proficiency: Understand the nuances and technical requirements of both centralized and decentralized exchanges, enabling them to deploy strategies in diverse trading environments.
  • Multiple Strategy Deployment: Are adept at deploying and managing multiple market making strategies simultaneously, ensuring robust performance and liquidity provision in various markets.

Hummingbot Script Developer

Replaced by Hummingbot StrategyV2 Developer certification starting in Cohort 6.

The original certification offered by the initial Botcamp cohorts, the Hummingbot Script Developer certification focuses on creating custom algorithmic trading strategies using Scripts that inherit from the ScriptStrategyBase class.

Certification Process

Overseen by the core maintainers of the Hummingbot codebase, the Hummingbot certification process is designed to be comprehensive and challenging, ensuring that participants have the skills to code and operate custom algo trading strategies.

The process is centered around completing a Hummingbot Botcamp cohort, which includes two main requirements and one optional requirement:

1. Build a Custom Strategy with Hummingbot

While each certification may have different requirements, developers are generally expected to design, code, run, and present a custom algorithmic trading strategy.

This task requires a deep understanding of trading principles, coding proficiency, and the ability to implement and test strategies in a real-world environment. The goal is to create a rigorous process that showcases the participant's technical and analytical skills.

2. Pass Review by Hummingbot Maintainers

After completing their trading strategy, participants submit their strategy code and a brief video explaining the strategy thesis and showing it in action.

Their work will be evaluate by Hummingbot maintainers based on the following criteria:

  • Originality: Uniqueness of the trading strategy
  • Technical: The quality of implementationa and use of Hummingbot framework components
  • Effort: Overall thoroughness and effort invested

3. Present at Demo Day (NFT)

While we accept submissions after a cohort ends to allow participants to attain certification in their own time, we highly encourage Botcamp participants to complete and present their strategies at Demo Day, the capstone event for each cohort.

Watch their strategy presentations from past Demo Days on our YouTube channel to see the innovative trading strategies designed and coded by Hummingbot Certified Developers.

Cohort NFT (1/X)

Each individual or team member who presents a strategy during Demo Day can claim a limited edition Botcamp Cohort NFT, commemorating the hard work and the unique bonds formed within the cohort members.

To receive a Cohort NFT, you must submit and present your strategy at your cohort's Demo Day.

Cohort MVP NFT (1/1)

In addition to the individual NFTs, a special Most Valuable Strategy NFT will be awarded to the top strategy as voted by the cohort participants. This unique NFT recognizes the standout project of the cohort, highlighting the exceptional skills and innovation of its creator.

Benefits of Certification

Achieving certification through our program offers numerous benefits that enhance professional profiles and career opportunities. Here are the key benefits:


Certified developers receive a certificate that serves as formal recognition of their skills and achievements as a Hummingbot developer. This certificate can be shared with potential employers, clients, or educational institutions to highlight their expertise.

Certifications List

We maintain a master list of certified developers and information about their certifications on our website.

LinkedIn Certification

Certified developers may add an entry similar to the one above to the Licenses & certifications section of their LinkedIn profile, indicating to potential employers and professional connections that they have met the rigorous standards of our certification process.

For more information about how to add this certification to your LinkedIn profile, see the help article or this walkthrough.

Discord Badge

Certified developers receive a badge denoting their certification on our Discord server. Each certification has its own badge, and users may collect multiple badges. This allows them to stand out in the #dev-wanted channel and connect with other certified professionals.