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Check Bot and Market Status

Check bot status

Run status command or CTRL+S to show the bot's current status. The output may differ depending on the running strategy, but generally, it shows the following information:

  • Market(s) you're trading in
  • Balance or inventory of trading pair assets
  • Active or outstanding orders
  • Error messages
  • Exchange connection status
  • Paper trading mode (when enabled)

Get live bot status

The status --live command displays the real-time status of the bot.


Currently, this feature works on all strategies except liquidity mining strategy.

View market order book

By default, the order_book command displays the top 5 bid/ask prices and volume of the current market, similar to how they're displayed in the exchange's order book.

Optional arguments

Command Argument Description
--live Continuously displays the order book in real-time
--lines Number of lines to display
--exchange Specifies the exchange when running a secondary exchange
--market Specifies the trading pair when running a secondary exchange

Sample usage

Run order_book --live --lines 20 to show the top 20 bid/ask and volume in real-time.

View market ticker prices

The ticker command displays the market prices, specifically the best bid, best ask, mid price, and last trade price.

Optional arguments

Command Argument Description
--live Displays the ticker in real-time
--exchange Specifies the exchange when running a secondary exchange
--market Specifies the trading pair when running a secondary exchange


Get the market status of the current bot.

>>>  status

    Exchange  Market  Best Bid Price  Best Ask Price  Mid Price
     binance  ETHBTC        0.025521        0.025527   0.025524

                            ETH    BTC
     Total Balance       4.3725 0.1274
     Available Balance   3.3725 0.1021
     Current Value (BTC) 0.1116 0.1274
     Current %            46.7%  53.3%

     Level  Type      Price Spread  Amount (Orig)  Amount (Adj)       Age Hang
         1  sell  0.0257747  0.98%              1             1  00:00:02   no
         1   buy 0.02526431  1.02%              1             1  00:00:02   no

**Optional arguments**

| Command Argument            | Description                                                  |
| --------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| `-live`                     | Displays status in real time.                                |