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Strategies V1


Since the Foundation is focused on building out the Strategy V2 framework which offers greater customization and extensibility, we are no longer actively maintaining the V1 strategy templates below.

What are V1 Strategies?

V1 Strategies are templates for an algorithmic trading strategy that users can configure, extend, and run. The trading strategy itself is a continual process that monitors trading pairs on one or more exchanges in order to make trading decisions.

Strategies separate trading logic, open source code that defines how the strategy behaves, versus parameters, user-defined variables like spread and order amount that control how the strategy is deployed against live market conditions. Strategy parameters are stored in a local config file that is not exposed externally.

Strategies utilize the standardized trading interfaces exposed by exchange and protocol connectors, enabling developers to write code that can be used across many exchanges. Each V1 strategy is a sub-folder in the /hummingbot/strategy folder.

List of V1 Strategies

Strategies have passed the Minimum Voting Power Threshold in the latest Poll and are included in each monthly release. They are not maintained by Hummingbot Foundation but may be maintained by a community member.

Strategy Description
pure_market_making Hummingbot's original single-pair market making strategy
cross_exchange_market_making Market making strategy that mitigates inventory risk by hedging on another exchange
amm_arb Arbitrage strategy that exploits price differences between AMM DEXs and other exchanges
avellaneda_market_making Single-pair market making strategy based on the classic Avellaneda-Stoikov paper
cross_exchange_mining Community-maintained mod of Cross Exchange Market Making strategy
hedge Hedges spot exchange inventory risk using perpetual swaps
liquidity_mining Provide liquidity on multiple pairs using a single base or quote token
perpetual_market_making Community
spot_perpetual_arbitrage Exploits price differences between spot and perpetual swap exchanges
twap Places a batch of limit orders over a period of time
amm-v3-lp Dynamically maintains a ranged liquidity position in an AMM DEX

Contributing Strategies

We encourage users to create and extend strategies for their own purposes, and if they so desire, share them with the community.

Developers may submit strategies for review. Please note the Contribution Guidelines. For developers interested to create or customize their own strategies, please see Building V1 Strategies.