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Quickstart Guides

Hummingbot Docker Quickstart Guide


This brief guide will introduce you to the process of installing and deploying Hummingbot using Docker. You will learn step-by-step how to set up Hummingbot using Docker Compose, a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications, and then run your first algo trading strategy!

What You Will Learn

  1. Install Docker: Step-by-step instructions to installing Docker and Docker Compose,

  2. Hummingbot Interface: Uncover the essentials of the Hummingbot interface, including layout and navigation.

  3. Running a Script: Learn how to run an algo trading strategy as a Hummingbot script.

  4. Connecting API Keys: Master the crucial process of integrating API keys with Hummingbot, ensuring secure API-based bot trading across various exchanges.

Using Dashboard to Deploy and Backtest Strategies


Welcome to the Hummingbot Dashboard Quickstart Guide!

While Hummingbot started as a simple CLI-based market making bot in 2019, today it has evolved into a flexible platform that helps you create, backtest, optimize and deploy all types of algorithmic trading strategies.

This guide shows you the basics of how to use the new Hummingbot Dashboard application to create and deploy strategies at scale. Whether you're a seasoned trader or just starting out, this tutorial will provide you with the tools and knowledge to maximize your trading potential.

Creating a Custom Market Making Strategy


Welcome to the new Hummingbot Quickstart Guide! This will teach you how to build and customize market making strategy using Hummingbot over 5 exercises.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced trader, this guide should help you get started with creating your own custom trading strategies using Hummingbot. So, let's dive in and start building!


Introduced in version 1.4.0Scripts enable users to build customized strategies and access the full power of Hummingbot exchange connectors without creating a full-blown strategy. Scripts are light Python files that can be run and modified without re-compilation, which let users can stop a script, adjust the code, and start it without leaving the Hummingbot client interface. See Examples for a list of the current sample scripts in the Hummingbot codebase.

Getting Started

First, check out the Installation section to install Hummingbot. You may install it using Docker (easiest for new users) or from source (best for developers).

If you have questions or need help, join the official Hummingbot Discord and ask for help on the #support channel from our community.

If you have installed Hummingbot successfully, you should see a welcome screen like the one below:

The Hummingbot CLI helps you manage, configure, and run your bots. Familiarize yourself with the basic features in Hummingbot, especially the User Interface.


We will start with a simple "Hello World" example of a Hummingbot script and gradually add more functionality to it with each exercise. By the end, you should gain a basic understanding of how to create a market making strategy and use market data to customize its behavior.

Exercise 1: Create Hello World Script

  • How a basic script works
  • Fetching real-time prices (best bid, best ask, mid-price, last traded price)
  • Emitting custom log messages

Exercise 2: Create Market Making Script

  • Building the Pure Market Making strategy as a simple script
  • Placing orders using exchange API
  • Cancelling orders using exchange API
  • Handle an order fill event

Exercise 3: Customize Status Command

  • Overriding the default status command with custom output

Exercise 4: Add Basic Price Ceiling/Floor

  • Motivation for adding this type of logic to a market making strategy
  • Adding a price ceiling/floor feature to your script

Exercise 5: Add Dynamic Price Ceiling/Floor

  • Creating custom OHLCV candles and technical indicators from order book data
  • Making the price ceiling/floor feature dynamic with Bollinger Bands

Additional Resources

Liquidity Mining with Hummingbot

In this guide, you'll learn how to set up a market making bot using Hummingbot that earns liquidity rewards on Miner, a liquidity mining platform that provides a decentralized, community-powered approach to market making across various exchanges.

First, you'll create API keys and add them to Miner. Next, you will install the open source Hummingbot algorithmic trading software and run the liquidity_mining strategy in Hummingbot, which we recommend for new users. Finally, we'll show you how to collect your rewards and assess your bot's performance in the Miner app.


Miner is not maintained by nor affiliated with Hummingbot Foundation. Neither this nor any other Hummingbot documentation constitutes financial advice. Hummingbot does not guarantee rewards, but provides the general public access to the same market making and liquidity mining roles previously reserved for large hedge funds.


  1. Create API Keys
  2. Configure Miner
  3. Install Hummingbot
  4. Create Bot
  5. Earn Rewards