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Commands and Shortcuts

Hummingbot Commands

Below are the available commands in the current Hummingbot release.

Command Function
connect List available exchanges and add API keys to them
create Create a new bot
import Import an existing bot by loading the configuration file
help List available commands
balance Display your asset balances across all connected exchanges
config Display the current bot's configuration
start Start the current bot
stop Stop the current bot
status Get the market status of the current bot
history See the past performance of the current bot
gateway Helper commands for Gateway server
exit Exit and cancel all outstanding orders
export Export your bot's trades or private keys
ticker Show market ticker of current order book
pmm_script Send command to running PMM script instance
previous Imports the last strategy used
rate Show rate of a given trading pair
order_book Displays the top 5 bid/ask prices and volume
tab_example Display hello world

Gateway Commands

Command Function
config View or update gateway configuration
connect Start the current bot
connector-tokens Report token balances for gateway connectors
generate-certs Create ssl certificate for gateway
list Shows a list of all available gateway connectors and their tiers
status Check status of gateway docker instance
test-connection Ping gateway api server

Users can also use gateway -h this will print out the different commands you can use with gateway.

>>> gateway -h
usage: gateway [-h] {config,connect,connector-tokens,generate-certs,status,test-connection} ...

positional arguments: {config,connect,connector-tokens,generate-certs,status,test-connection}

config              View or update gateway configuration
connect             Create/view connection info on gateway connector
connector-tokens    Report token balances for gateway connectors
generate-certs      Create ssl certificate for gateway
test-connection     Ping gateway api server

optional arguments:
-h, --help          show this help message and exit

Gateway help command can also be used this way gateway [command]-h

>>> gateway config -h
usage: gateway config [-h]

It can also be used with a different command:

>>> gateway connector-tokens -h
usage: gateway connector-tokens [-h] [connector_chain_network] [new_tokens]

positional arguements:
connector_chain_network  Name of connector you want to edit reported tokens for
new_tokens             Report balance of these tokens

Docker Commands

These are the commonly used docker commands when using Hummingbot.

Command Function
docker ps -a List containers
docker rm [container name] Remove one or more containers
docker rmi [image name] Remove one or more images
docker rm $(docker ps -a q) Remove all containers

To view more docker commands, go to Docker Command Line Reference.

Linux Commands

These are the basic commands used to navigate Linux commonly used with Hummingbot.

Command Function
ls Lists all files and folders in the current directory
cd Change directory / move to another folder location
mv Moves or renames a file or directory
cp To copy files or group of files or directory
rm Remove / delete files and folders
top Details on all active processes
htop Monitor the system processes in real time

For more information about basic Linux commands, check out The Linux command line for beginners.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Combo Command Description
Double Ctrl + C Exit Press CTRL + C twice to exit the bot
Ctrl + S Status Show bot status
Ctrl + F Search /
Hide Search
Toggle search in log pane
Ctrl + X Exit Config Exit from the current configuration question
Ctrl + A Select All * Select all text
Ctrl + Z Undo * Undo action
Single Ctrl + C Copy * Copy text
Ctrl + V Paste * Paste text
Ctrl + T Toggle Logs Hide / Show logs pane

* Used for text edit in input pane only.

  1. Press Ctrl + F to trigger display the search field
  2. Enter your search keyword (not case sensitive)
  3. Hit Enter to jump to the next matching keyword (incremental search)
  4. When you are done, press Ctrl + F again to go back to reset

Copy and Paste


Keyboard Combo Command
Ctrl + C Copy
SHIFT + RMB (right-mouse button) Paste

To highlight, hold SHIFT + LMB (left mouse button) and drag across the text you want to select.


Keyboard Combo Command
+ C Copy
+ V Paste


To select text on macOS, you may need to enable the Allow Mouse Reporting option by pressing + R or selecting View > Allow Mouse Reporting in the menu bar.


Then you should be able to select text by holding LMB (left mouse button) and drag. You can also hold down ⌥ + shift to select specific lines like the image below.


When accessing Hummingbot on a Linux cloud server through ssh using a macOS terminal, hold down the Option ⌥ key or ⌥ + ⌘ to highlight text.


Keyboard Combo Command
CTRL + SHIFT + V Paste

To use this shortcut, check this box by doing a right-click on the title bar at the top of the Hummingbot window, then select Properties.

Adding New Commands

Currently, Hummingbot supports the following commands:

Supported Commands

Depending on the usage of the hummingbot client, you may need to add new commands to the client. This is done by adding a new command class to the hummingbot/client/command directory.

The new command class should be called <command_name>

The new class should be called <CommandName>Command and adhere to the CamelCase naming convention.

The new class should have a function called command_name which will be ran when the command is called in the Hummingbot client.

Add the new class to the file in the hummingbot/client/command directory and add any necessary imports to the file. File

The last step is to add any other functions that the new command class may need.

Please note: check the hummingbot/client/command directory for any existing commands that may be similar to the new command you are adding.