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Color Settings

Starting with version 0.45, we added new global configuration parameters that allows users to customize the client's background colors.

New Hummingbot UI

  1. top-pane
  2. output-pane
  3. input-pane
  4. bottom-pane
  5. log-pane
  6. terminal-primary

Changing the panel colors

To make changes to the panel colors, run config [parameter_name] inside the Hummingbot client. For example, the command for changing the log pane color is config log-pane and enter the hex code of the desired color.


You can use a hexadecimal color picker like the one here to choose colors:

Alternatively, you can edit these values in the conf_client.yml file located under the hummingbot_conf folder using a text editor.


In past versions of Hummingbot (1.5.0 and below), the conf_client.yml file is named conf_global.yml

Reset colors to default

Press CTRL + R while inside Hummingbot to reset the style to use its default colors.

# Background color of the top pane
top-pane: '#000000'

# Background color of the bottom pane
bottom-pane: '#000000'

# Background color of the output pane
output-pane: '#282C2F'

# Background color of the input pane
input-pane: '#151819'

# Background color of the logs pane
logs-pane: '#151819'

# Terminal primary color (text)
terminal-primary: '#00FFE5'