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📁 Strategy Info

📝 Summary

This strategy monitors prices between a trading pair (market_1) on a SPOT AMM DEX versus another trading pair (market_2) on another SPOT AMM CEX or SPOT CLOB DEX in order to identify arbitrage opportunities. It executes offsetting buy and sell orders in both markets in order to capture arbitrage opportunities with profitability higher than min_profitability, net of transaction costs, which include both blockchain transaction fees (gas) and exchange fees.

đŸĻ Supported Exchange Types


🛠ī¸ Strategy configs

Parameter Type Default Prompt
connector_1 string Enter your first spot connector (Exchange/AMM)
market_1 string Enter the token trading pair you would like to trade on [connector_1]
connector_2 string Enter your second spot connector (Exchange/AMM)
market_2 string Enter the token trading pair you would like to trade on [connector_2]
order_amount decimal What is the amount of [base_asset] per order?
min_profitability decimal 1 What is the minimum profitability for you to make a trade?
market_1_slippage_buffer decimal 1 How much buffer do you want to add to the price to account for slippage for orders on the first market
market_2_slippage_buffer decimal 0 How much buffer do you want to add to the price to account for slippage for orders on the second market
concurrent_orders_submission bool False Do you want to submit both arb orders concurrently (Yes/No) ? If No, the bot will wait for first connector order filled before submitting the other order
debug_price_shim bool Do you want to enable the debug price shim for integration tests? If you don't know what it does you should keep it disabled.
gateway_transaction_cancel_interval int 600 After what time should blockchain transactions be cancelled if they are not included in a block? (this only affects decentralized exchanges) (Enter time in seconds) >>>

📓 Description

See Trading logic to understand how the strategy works.

ℹī¸ More Resources

How to arbitrage AMMs like Uniswap and Balancer: Learn how you can Arbitrage AMMs with our strategy

Quickstart Guide for amm_arb (deprecated): This guide will walk you through the installation and launch of the new amm_arb strategy