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The official Github repository for Gateway is Gateway is released monthly with the same cadence as the Hummingbot client, and it follows the same conventions for releases, contributions, etc.

Install with Docker

For most users, this is the recommended install method for Hummingbot and Gateway

Navigate to the Hummingbot root folder in your terminal or if you haven't cloned the Hummingbot repo yet run the command below

git clone
cd hummingbot

Modify docker-compose.yml in the root folder using a text editor or IDE like VSCode.

Uncomment the Gateway-related lines as shown below

    container_name: "gateway"
    image: hummingbot/gateway:latest    
      - "15888:15888"
      - "8080:8080"
      - "./gateway_files/conf:/usr/src/app/conf"
      - "./gateway_files/logs:/usr/src/app/logs"
      - "./hummingbot_files/certs:/home/gateway/certs"

Start instance

From the Hummingbot root folder, run the following command in a terminal to start the instances and attach to it:

docker compose up -d
docker attach hummingbot

Generate certs

Once attached to Hummingbot, run the following command within the Hummingbot terminal to generate the Gateway certificates:

gateway generate-certs

You'll be prompted to add a passphrase to encrypt the gateway certificates. This can be different from your Hummingbot login password. Take note of this gateway passphrase.

Afterwards, run exit to exit Hummingbot.

Back in the terminal, use the following command to stop and exit out of all containers:

docker compose down

Add passphrase to YAML file

Now, use a text editor or an IDE like VSCode to edit the docker-compose.yml file again.

Add the passphrase that you just defined as the GATEWAY_PASSPHRASE environment variable, and save the file.


Restart instance

Now, restart the instance and attach to it:

docker compose up -d
docker attach hummingbot

You should now see GATEWAY:ONLINE in the upper-right hand corner.

After Gateway is running, see Testing to understand how to test the endpoints on a standalone basis before using it with Hummingbot.

Check Gateway logs

To see the logs from the gateway instance, run:

docker logs gateway

Install from Source

You can also install Gateway on a standalone basis and then link it to Hummingbot manually. These instructions assume that you have already installed Hummingbot on the machine where you are installing Gateway, either from source or via Docker.


Install the following dependencies:

  • NodeJS (use 18.0.0 or higher)
  • Yarn: run npm install -g yarn after installing NodeJS


Clone the Gateway repo and navigate into the folder:

git clone
cd gateway

Install Javascript dependencies:


Compile Typescript into Javascript:

yarn build

Generate certs

Next, generate self-signed certificates from the Hummingbot client. These certificates let your bots securely communicate with Gateway.

Start Hummingbot. After entering your password, run gateway generate-certs:

Enter a secure passphrase, and write it down. Hummingbot will generate self-signed certificates that a server can use to authenticate its connection with this client.

Take note of the certs_path where they are stored. This is also stored as certs_path in the Hummingbot's conf_client.yml, the global configuration file in the /conf/ directory.

Note that you will be prompted to enter both passphrase and certs_path later to complete the installation process.

Run setup script

The gateway-setup script, located in the root Gateway directory, performs the following actions:

  • Copies the default Gateway configuration files from /src/templates to /conf/ folder
  • Copies the Hummingbot certificates into the /certs/ folder.

Enable permissions and run setup script:

chmod a+x

When prompted, enter certs_path from the prior step:

ℹ️ Confirm if this is correct:

            Copy configs FROM: [/folder]/gateway/src/templates
              Copy configs TO: [/folder]/gateway/conf

              Copy certs FROM: [/folder]/hummingbot/certs
                Copy certs TO: [/folder]/gateway/certs

Do you want to proceed? [Y/N] >>> 

Alternative to copying certs files

The script creates a copy of the Hummingbot certificates in the Gateway folder. Alternatively, you can override the certs_path parameter in conf/server.yml and enter the path to the Hummingbot certificates.

Start Gateway

Afterwards, start Gateway using the same passphrase that you used to generate the certs:

$ yarn start --passphrase=<passphrase>

You should see Gateway running on the default port 15888:

2023-02-09 12:56:50 | info |    ⚡️ Starting Gateway API on port 15888...
2023-02-09 12:56:50 | info |    The gateway server is secured behind HTTPS.
2023-02-09 12:56:50 | info |    ⚡️ Swagger listening on port 8080. Read the Gateway API documentation at

Go back to your Hummingbot client or restart it if you have exited. In the upper right corner, you should see GATEWAY: ONLINE if your Hummingbot client is connected to Gateway.

After Gateway is running, see Testing to understand how to test the endpoints on a standalone basis before using it with Hummingbot.