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Improvements to the Discord Support Program

Fourteen months have passed since the introduction of the Discord Support Program, an initiative designed to foster active involvement and collaborative problem-solving within the Hummingbot Discord community channels. This program has enabled the Foundation team to engage community developers and users in mutual support, freeing up our resources to focus on areas such as enhancing documentation, creating user guides, and improving the Hummingbot codebase.

But with the introduction of new Hummingbot features like Dashboard and V2 Strategies, newer members of our community have struggling to keep pace with troubleshooting and issue resolution. In response, the Foundation team has intensified its engagement with community members on Discord by answering questions. Moreover, we are committed to keeping our community members abreast of the newest Hummingbot developments on the roadmap, including the imminent launch of the Condor Telegram bot, custom screeners, and advanced AI capabilities.

Key Changes

In order to increase community participation in answering questions and making the program fairer and more transparent, we're excited to announce some changes to the Discord Support Program, such as the new Discord Leaderboard in HBOT Tracker!

Launching USDC Payouts for Bounty Recipients


Starting in August 2024, Hummingbot Foundation bounties will be paid in HBOT by default, unless contributors indicate a preference for USDC in their onboarding form. If users select USDC, a 10% processing fee will be applied.

Since the inception of the Hummingbot Foundation, we have paid out 282 bounties to 92 unique developer wallets. Bounties have been an unqualified success in leveraging the global developer community to maintain the Hummingbot codebase by fixing bugs and adding key components.

To continue on this path, we are excited to announce a new change to the Bounties process. Now, bounty recipients can choose whether to receive their payments in HBOT, our native governance token, or the USDC equivalent amount.

By allowing recipients to receive bounties in stablecoin if they wish, we aim to lower transaction fees while still enabling long-term supporters to accrue HBOT.

Introducing Community Bounties

Launching a new process that connects skilled community developers with stakeholders seeking dev work

Last year, we introduced the Bounties process, which has successfully addressed numerous issues and funded vital technical improvements in the Hummingbot codebase. Bounties have been $HBOT-denominated rewards provided by the Foundation to developers for resolving bugs or adding enhancements (such as new connectors, strategies, etc.) to the Hummingbot codebase. Given its significant impact and cost-effectiveness, we believe it's time to expand the Bounties program to the broader Hummingbot ecosystem.

Here are the milestones that Bounties have achieved:

  • 68 bounties paid, resulting in 53 bug fixes and 15 new features and exchange connectors, including Kucoin Perpetual, PancakeSwap, and SushiSwap.
  • 32 unique developers have earned bounties.
  • Smallest bounty paid: 10,000 \(HBOT (\)50 currently) for Priority 3 bugs.
  • Largest bounty paid: 2,000,000 \(HBOT (\)10,000 currently) for the Orchestration Module.
  • Total funds spent: 13,337,000 \(HBOT (\)67,000 currently).

Now, we believe it's time to open up these bounties to the broader Hummingbot ecosystem, so we are recasting them as Community Bounties.

Community Bounties offer a platform for those seeking development work on exchange connectors, strategies, bug fixes, and more to connect with skilled developers capable of building these solutions. As with past bounties, Hummingbot Foundation will oversee the entire lifecycle of Community Bounties, including scoping, assignment, QA/engineering review, and code merge / payment.

Introducing Discord Support Bounties

The Discord Support Program program was launched on December 12, 2022 with the aim to foster active participation and problem-solving among members in Discord channels. During its 7-week trial period, it was exhilarating to observe a significant number of users earning HBOT rewards for providing valuable responses to community questions.

💡 [HGP-27] Community Incentives: Answer Questions & Resolve Issues

The level of engagement and support demonstrated by the members was exceptional, and we are overjoyed to express our deep gratitude to our top three contributors: SoothsayerX, MementoMori, and random-dude, who served as inspiring models of devotion and commitment. We also recognize and extend our appreciation to other noteworthy contributors such as ctraderxt, hbminerfan, wojak, Lawnel, JOE, yancong, and Lazydayz137.

Over the 7-week trial period, the community generated a total of 618 responses, earning a combined total of 945 points and rewarding 350,000 HBOT as incentives. This is an outstanding achievement and we eagerly anticipate seeing more community engagement in the upcoming months as we progress on our technical and governance roadmaps throughout this year.

Open DeFi Hackathon - Join the Hunt for Hummingbot Bounties


Hello Hummingbot Community Developers!

Today we are happy to announce that we will be part of the upcoming Open Defi Hackathon in May!

What is Open Defi?

The Open Defi Network is “a global initiative to develop the decentralized financial ecosystem and advance the collaboration of DeFi projects across borders and blockchains.”

As a part of the cryptocurrency space, we strongly believe in the power of decentralization and community-driven projects.