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The StrategyV2 framework contains a set of interlocking components that can be combined to create powerful, customized algo trading strategies.

There are two ways to create strategies using the StrategyV2 framework:

  • Scripts that use StrategyV2 components like the Market Data Provider and Executors
  • Controllers that house the strategy logic. This allows a single loader script to manage multiple Controller configurations.

See the table below to decide which type to use:

StrategyV2 Script StrategyV2 Controller
The strategy is relatively simple You want to manage the risk and diversify your portfolio in different controllers
The logic is very standard across different trading pairs The strategy is complex and you want to isolate the decision making
The strategy only trades on one trading pair You want to try multiple configs in the same bot
You are getting started with Executors and you want a simple way to code your strategy The strategy trades on multiple trading pairs
Prototype a strategy You are familiar with the Strategy V2 and how the controllers interact with it

Check out Walkthrough and Walkthrough - Controller to learn how to use them.


The most important components to understand are:

  • Script: Orchestrates the overall strategy logic. This is a standard script that inherits from the StrategyV2Base class.
  • Executor: Manages orders and positions based on pre-defined user settings, ensuring that orders are placed, modified, or canceled according to the strategy's instructions.
  • Controller: Defines a trading strategy based on a strategy controller base class, i.e. Directional or Market Making.
  • Market Data Provider: Single point of access to exchange market data such as historical OHCLV Candles, order book data, and trades.


The entry point for StrategyV2 is a Hummingbot script that inherits from the StrategyV2Base class.

This script fetches data from the Market Data Provider and manages how each Executor behaves. Optionally, it can load a Controller to manage the stategy logic instead of defining it in within the script. Go through the Walkthrough to learn how it works.

See Sample Scripts for more examples of StrategyV2-compatible scripts.

Adding Config Parameters

To add user-defined parameters to a StategyV2 script, add a configuration class that extends the StrategyV2ConfigBase class in StrategyV2Base class.

This defines a set of configuration parameters that are prompted to the user when they run create to generate the config file. Only questions marked prompt_on_new are displayed.

Afterwards, these parameters are stored in a config file. The script checks this config file every config_update_interval (default: 60 seconds) and updates the parameters that it uses in-flight.

class StrategyV2ConfigBase(BaseClientModel):
    Base class for version 2 strategy configurations.
    markets: Dict[str, Set[str]] = Field(
            prompt=lambda mi: (
                "Enter markets in format 'exchange1.tp1,tp2:exchange2.tp1,tp2':"
    candles_config: List[CandlesConfig] = Field(
            prompt=lambda mi: (
                "Enter candle configs in format 'exchange1.tp1.interval1.max_records:"
    controllers_config: List[str] = Field(
            prompt=lambda mi: "Enter controller configurations (comma-separated file paths), leave it empty if none: "
    config_update_interval: int = Field(
            prompt=lambda mi: "Enter the config update interval in seconds (e.g. 60): ",

on_tick Method

This method acts as the strategy's heartbeat, is called regularly, and allows the strategy to adapt to new market conditions in real time.

def on_tick(self):
    for executor_handler in self.executor_handlers.values():
        if executor_handler.status == ExecutorHandlerStatus.NOT_STARTED:

format_status Method

This overrides the standard status function and provides a formatted string representing the current status of the strategy, including the name, trading pair, and status of each executor.

Users can customize this function to display their custom strategy variables.

def format_status(self) -> str:
        if not self.ready_to_trade:
            return "Market connectors are not ready."
        lines = []
        for trading_pair, executor_handler in self.executor_handlers.items():
                [f"Strategy: {executor_handler.controller.config.strategy_name} | Trading Pair: {trading_pair}",
        return "\n".join(lines)


To gain a deeper understanding of Hummingbot strategies along with access to the latest framework updates, sign up for Botcamp, which teaches you how to design and deploy advanced algo trading and market making strategies using Hummingbot's Strategy V2 framework.